PUBLICA’s office

Around 120 people work at PUBLICA’s office. They are organised into the Director, Deputy Director and their staff, as well as Pensions, Asset Management and Resources. Corporate Communications, IT, and Quality and Security Management make up the Executive Staff Services.

Our Executive Board

Gruppenfoto der Geschäftsleitung von PUBLICA
Foto von Doris Bianchi

Doris Bianchi

I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 485 21 11
Foto von Stefan Beiner

Stefan Beiner

Head of Asset Management / Deputy to the Director
Member of the Executive Board
I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 485 21 01
Portrait von Patrick Bonadei

Patrick Bonadei

Head of Pensions
Member of the Executive Board
Phone +41 58 464 88 42
Foto von Markus Zaugg

Markus Zaugg

Head of Resources
Member of the Executive Board
I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 485 21 02
Foto von Beatrice Rychen

Beatrice Rychen

Head of Corporate Communications
Member of the Extended Executive Board
I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 467 35 79
Foto von Maciej Styczynski

Maciej Styczynski

Head of IT
Member of the Extended Executive Board
I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 462 28 99

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