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Portal for employers

Our online portal for employers simplifies processes and makes working with us even easier. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask our Development team.

The online portal for employers

Sign up to the portal for employers

PUBLICA wrote to the people responsible at your office or organisation in January 2023 asking them to nominate an administrator for the employer portal.
The administrator can use the «self-administration» function to assign access rights and roles for the new employer portal to other staff or administrators in the same organisation or remove them. You should therefore contact your administrator for access. 

Explainer videos

The functions of our portal differ depending on whether there is an electronic interface from the employer to PUBLICA.

Employers whose payroll system has an interface to PUBLICA
Pension plans: ETH Domain and Confederation (with IPDM payroll system)

Employers whose payroll system does not have an interface to PUBLICA
Pension plans: AO, Confederation (without IPDM), ENSI, FINMA, IPI, METAS, PUBLICA, FAOA, SNM and Swissmedic

Any questions?

Our Development team will be happy to help. Just call us or send us an e-mail.

Gebäude PUBLICA Südfassade, Scheuerrain

Development team

For employers

Phone: +41 58 485 23 92
E-mail: vor-entwicklung@publica.ch

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