Three pension plans still underfunded – no restructuring measures

At the end of December 2023, three of the eleven pension plans in the PUBLICA collective institution were still underfunded. Underfunding is regarded as low if the expectation is that it can be remedied within five years. The three pension plans concerned – Confederation, ETH Domain and METAS – all fall into this category.

The funded ratio is the ratio of a pension fund’s available assets to its liabilities. If those liabilities are more than 100% covered by assets, it is said to be overfunded, while if the figure is less than 100% it is underfunded.

PUBLICA is a collective institution comprising a number of pension plans. The table below lists the funded ratios of the collective institution and the individual pension plans. This information is provided to active members in a newsletter, and to pension recipients in the next issue of “Revue”. 

Funded ratios 2022 and 2023
Deckungsgrad 2022Deckungsgrad 2023
PUBLICA collective institution96,2 %98,3 %
ETH Domain97,2 %99,3 %
IPI100,8 %109,8 %
Swissmedic99,0 %100,9 %
Swiss Federal Audit Oversight Authority98,4 %100,2 %
FINMA98,3 %100,5 %
ENSI98,2 %101,4 %
Swiss National Museum99,6 %101,4 %
METAS96,1 %97,9 %
Confederation95,5 %97,5 %
Affiliated Organisations100,5 %102,4 %
Portrait von Karin Egger

Karin Egger

Deputy Head of Corporate Communications
I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 485 22 42