Patrick Bonadei becomes new Head of Pensions

Patrick Bonadei has been appointed Head of Pensions and a member of PUBLICA’s Executive Board with effect from 1 June 2024. He will take over the tasks performed at present by Doris Bianchi, who has been in temporary charge of the Pensions division for the past year. Patrick Bonadei is an occupational pensions expert currently with the consulting firm Pittet Associates Ltd.

Patrick Bonadei gained a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Master of Science in Statistics from the University of Bern and has a number of years’ experience as a pension insurance expert. His previous employers have included the consulting firm AON Switzerland Limited and Swiss Life Pension Services AG. Aged 38, Patrick Bonadei has an in-depth understanding of both strategic and regulatory issues. Doris Bianchi, Director of PUBLICA, says: «Patrick Bonadei has a proven track record of expertise in occupational pensions. I look forward to working with him to tackle the important changes that are needed in pillar 2 and strengthen our pension advisory services.»

Once Patrick Bonadei has taken up his new post, Doris Bianchi will return to focusing entirely on her tasks as Director of PUBLICA. Important issues lie ahead for PUBLICA and the occupational pensions sector as a whole. These include remedying the underfunding of some of PUBLICA’s pension plans as well as moving forward with modernisation of the pension offering and the digital transformation across the various stakeholders in social insurance.

Contact for queries

Foto von Beatrice Rychen

Beatrice Rychen

Head of Corporate Communications
Member of the Extended Executive Board
I am availableMonday - Friday
Phone +41 58 467 35 79